
The World On a Spindle

Whatever goes around, comes around. From evolutionary cycles, to history repeating itself or the timeless musical innovations that never go out of style.

As Jazz continues its renaissance nothing feels off limits as musicians courageously redefine what this unique art form means to their lives, careers, and musical communities across the globe.

Still Jazz lives in a fragile ecology, a societal habitat affected by global pandemics, waves of technological disruptions, cultural shifts in how we honor the arts, and the systemically precarious financial foundation supporting the art form.

33third.org explores these ideas and more with words and sound, telling stories that embrace the power of innovative narratives as social practice.

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The world on a spindle

Whatever goes around, comes around. From evolutionary cycles, to history repeating itself or the timeless musical innovations that never go out of style.

As Jazz continues its renaissance nothing feels off limits as musicians courageously redefine what this unique art form means to their lives, careers, and musical communities across the globe.

Still Jazz lives in a fragile ecology, a societal habitat affected by global pandemics, waves of technological disruptions, cultural shifts in how we honor the arts, and the systemically precarious financial foundation supporting the art form.

33third.org explores these ideas and more with words and sound, telling stories that embrace the power of innovative narratives as social practice.

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The world on a spindle

Whatever goes around, comes around. From evolutionary cycles, to history repeating itself or the timeless musical innovations that never go out of style.

As Jazz continues its renaissance nothing feels off limits as musicians courageously redefine what this unique art form means to their lives, careers, and musical communities across the globe.

Still Jazz lives in a fragile ecology, a societal habitat affected by global pandemics, waves of technological disruptions, cultural shifts in how we honor the arts, and the systemically precarious financial foundation supporting the art form.

33third.org explores these ideas and more with words and sound, telling stories that embrace the power of innovative narratives as social practice.

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